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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  July 12, 2012 6:00am-9:00am PDT

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it's go time! >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>overwhelming majority of the county says: "tax the rich don't go to war."
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ let's dance ♪ >> what was the album that introduced stevie ray vaughn to the rest of the world outside of austin. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> we'll talk about mix jagger and david bowie later -- [ laughter ] >> not exactly news. >> he is going through some cha-cha-changes. >> in the face and lips -- >> what? >> oh, hi karl frisch.
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>> didn't mean to hang up on you earlier. >> no worries, i thought it was daddy issues, and then right to the hang up. [ laughter ] >> all right. dave ramsey christian economic advisor. >> oh, boy. >> that seems like a contradiction in terms. >> shouldn't they just be able to take out a needle and say if you can fit through this -- >> where would jesus hide his money. >> this is what is driving unemployment as much as anything. 64% of americans work for a company that has less than 500 employees. so you are paralyzing the number one jobs creator in america. that's a freaking economic fact. >> freaking -- >> that's how you know. because it's freaking. >> most of obamacare still hasn't taken effect and this is how the right-wing has been talking about it since the day
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he signed it into law. >> yeah. >> these people are out of their freaking minds. >> giving people healthcare is a job killer? >> well, maybe if your job is denying people healthcare -- >> well, that's true. >> maybe if you are wal-mart trying to come up with ways to keep people from having health care, and forcing them to go to the government, but this is a good thing, and strengths business and the climate for business, and i think it is probably better for business if people don't end up in the hospital with simple colds that could have been treated months leader. >> spoken like a socialist with mommy and daddy issues. >> and we're -- >> and that's a freaking fact. that kid number he just gave -- >> 11-dy, ga jillian --
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>> yeah. >> obama is going to have a tough time getting people to watch his convention. >> i understand they are going to have jlow -- >> actually she would be a better president -- [ evil laughter. ] >> that's gross. >> just because the best he can do is like a barbara shop quartet this is the kind of jealousy we see every four years. >> yeah. >> so i think the dnc is going to be far more entertaining, but if you want a good laugh, you should watch the republican convention, because every speaker will be funny. they will have the cast of characters from the best reality
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show we ever saw, called the republican primary all speaking. that's fun. >> that is fun. [ laughter ] >> and my understanding is now that it's the 20th anniversary of the democratic convention in my dick morris had the headlines for having a toe fetish with a prostitute that he might be making a return appearance. >> oh, really? >> karl frisch i'll see you at the convention just you me and j-lo. [ applause ] >> tony from chicago. >> hi, steph. i would like to be the unofficial campaign manager for the 2016 presidential campaign with you -- [♪ magic wand ♪]
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>> mr. vice president and hilary clinton's for president. >> i'm in. i'm sure i'm hilaries first choice. >> yes, you will be. and i appreciate you having tammy duckworth. >> oh, that's right. your awesome representative. >> i called the other day, because i am a female veteran. >> oh, good for you. >> and i feel that -- you know, she has gotten a really rocky [ inaudible ] >> yeah. >> and i'm very, very upset about that. >> she is going to come on and talk about that tony in about a half hour -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> and margaret cho coming up in a couple of minutes -- >> oh my god, i love her! [ laughter ] >> i'm losing her [ censor bleep ] in chicago. >> i want to be the unofficial campaign manager in chai town. >> all right. baby, got it. we got to get to break here. tammy duckworth says by the way,
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fyi, joe walsh, i never called myself a hero. >> that's all she ever talks about. >> maybe some other people think she is a hero everyone that leaves several limbs on the battlefield for her country. >> she keeps bragging about it. big deal. >> yeah. >> he is the one that keeps bringing it up. >> yes, we're very excited about that visit. running in illinois against the ass hat. >> 29 minutes after the hour. margaret cho -- [ screaming ] >> i know toni from chicago? next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>>it's the place where democracy is supposed to be the great equalizer, where your vote is worth just as much as donald trump's. we must save the country. it starts with you.
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of sununu, you're wrong. mitt romney, you're wrong. we need more teachers, not fewer teachers and more cops and more firefighters that support our >> romney you can take it. >> a new ad we will play for you when we come back here with lynn sweet, chicago sun times methderr death shiner from row call and bill cress part full-court press. you are welcome to join our conversation at 866-55-press. we will be right back. >> this is the bill press show.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] bloc >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> you can't drink my wine, i brought this wine as a gift, therefore it is my wine and i will drink whatever i want, you sexy county ho. [ laughter ] >> oh boy. it is the "stephanie miller show," 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. tony i can hear her in chicago losing it. [ screaming ] >> good morning, margaret cho! [ screaming ] >> you have a lot of rabid man
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man -- fans just to their radio. >> i am so flattered. >> you have a new show called mother. >> yes, it is about my own mother, and i have been making fun of her since i could like talk. we would take her shopping, and she couldn't pronounce montgomery wards so show would say [ inaudible ]. >> i used to shop there with my mom. >> at least you could say it -- i bet your mom could state. >> well, my mom is a white republican, yes. >> we didn't even have money to shop there, all we had was fish.
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>> we would like to trade you a carp for that pantsuit. >> yes exactly. we needed to trade pelts -- it did not prepare me for the high society life i have now. >> yes. yes. >> i don't know anything about high society living. but i -- i can play the bitch, but i can't send a thank you note. >> yeah. and i always learn from you, because i did not know that montgomery ward accepted pelts as payments. >> that's why they went under. >> i'm glad you have embraced your mom thing because it is like your free bird. >> yes and she is very funny, and it's an easy project for me because i put together all of the things i really enjoyed
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doing, and never really got this to the stage things they would just talk about that she did. and then also myself like when you are in your 40s, and you are not actually a mother what are -- what is our identity if we don't have children in this day and age and era. >> right. there is no point to us. that's what i have decided. >> i mean it's not -- you sort of become a mother to the world. >> right. >> you parent the world, which is better and more productive in my point of view and then kind of teach them that it's all right to be who they are, and it's such a great thing. that's parenting also. so people can't ignore that. it's really fun stuff and then there is this really -- kind of an edge to it in that we can all be mothers of the world.
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>> someone once said that used to be the point of being a lesbian is you didn't have to have kids. >> oh, yeah. they all are, you know, doing that. what is great about the lesbian parenting is one can be pregnant for a while and then the other can be pregnant for a while, and they go to the sperm bank together. and it's a whole thing. >> i'm told you can trade pelts for fresh sperm are you -- >> i think it's more fish heads. ♪ rolle poly fish heads ♪ >> margaret this show you are doing on the food network sounds hilarious. it is called blind dinner party. >> yes it's like a blind date with eight people who are going to fight.
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it's sort of like the fight club but with food. >> oh wow. >> you sit down and -- these people talk and they all have very, very opposing views on not just politics but life and they are forced to be together for -- it takes about three or four hours, and through that time it really becomes an amazing experience, because you don't have your back up or your friends with you, and you have to talk about yourself and it's fascinating. and i'm the meeting leader and i'm an instigator too, and the host, and they all come over and it's fascinating. >> most of us call that thanksgiving but -- >> yes. >> you know -- it says that -- you know you are trying to find out if food can become the common denominator among
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diverse people. what was your conclusion? >> i found the more racist the better the food. the more problems that that person had with other cultures the better their dish was, and it was an odd thing. so there were some things that you could see that people had really kind of offensive things that i didn't believe in but they had really good things to eat. so i couldn't write them off completely, and i enjoyed their food so much, that they couldn't discount me either. >> yep. >> that was one of the things that i thought was really profound. >> although hitler enjoyed raw vegetables and beer. >> oh. >> so he was the smelliest dictator. >> i like that. >> drop dead diva also premiers. thanks for taking time with us. i know you have a on the of
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interviews. [ static ] >> oh dear her phone has gone cattywompus. >> damn you david! >> dam you. what did i sit on? >> all right. ed in houston you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, ed. >> good morning, steph. how are you? >> good, go ahead. >> first point is i live in houston, which obviously means we do not have any kind of liberal radio here. okay? >> of course not. >> and one of the first guys that i saw -- and i thought it was so ironic that there is justice, he was an ultra-right-wing guy, and they indicted him for exposing himself to little children. >> nice. >> and i'm like, yeah gotcha there you go.
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but my point is i think president obama has made a bad mistake by not going to the naacp convention and i love joe biden, but i think that president obama might be sending the wrong message that this group of voters are in the bag for me -- >> right. >> and i think that might be a mistake to the voters -- >> yeah, i ed, i hear what you are saying but i think in this year with super pacs, the president's time money, everything is at such a premium. i saw the polling numbers, i hate to say it president obama at 90%, mitt romney at 7%. >> in the african american community. >> yeah. so when you have time and the president's resources are limited -- >> i agree with you but let me
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ask the question. what is he doing that he doesn't have to come here? >> well he is campaigning. clearly as usual this race is going to come down to battleground states -- >> and texas is a loss, i agree with you. >> yeah well exactly. be -- no i -- the other thing i'm thinking -- chris i'm going -- because fox news would run that footage 24-7. he is president of the black people, look at him talking to the black people, and the black people are cheering. >> yeah. i don't know although bill press made the point that there is nothing on the president's schedule, which usually means he is taking a trip to some clandestine place. >> oh. >> he may be making a trip overseas or something. so can't do it. romney says the think he did make inroads with black voters -- >> computer says naaa.
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>> he said i spoke to a number of african american leaders, even ones that are not in sports. >> he is so tall and black, he must be in sport. >> i spoke with a number of african american leaders after the event, and they say a lot of folks don't want to say they are not going to be voting for barack obama, but that are disappointed, at the end of my speech having a standing ovation was generous but on a lot of issues people see eye to eye. >> they see eye to eye on sport. >> they were probably standing up, because they couldn't wait to get out. >> yeah. [ applause ] >> oh, man is he boring. >> we got to get to the parking lot. >> mittens, mittens. >> bless his heart.
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>> bless it heart. 44 minutes after the hour. back in minutes when we continue on the "stephanie miller show." >> it's really weird, but it is also the coolest thing i have heard in my whole life. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ reveals itself. we are fearless, independent trendsetters, problem solvers, and above all, we are politically direct. the young turks with cenk uygur at 7, viewpoint with eliot spitzer at 8, the war room with jennifer granholm at 9, the gavin newsom show fridays at 11. and there's only one place you'll find us: weeknights on current tv.
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here we are on the "full court press" this tuesday, june 12th. good to have you with us. >> announcer: on your radio, on tv, the "bill press show." new on current tv. take the gamble out of stain removal. only resolve all-stains has two formula chambers to remove all types of stains. using shout or oxiclean? that's just playing the odds. don't chance it, resolve it. see a resolve difference or it's free. if you missed joy behar one week only... >>hey, time flies when you're having fun. >>don't worry because she'll be back. >>where are the lefties besides on current tv? >>joy behar is getting her own show coming to current tv this fall.
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[ ♪ music ♪ ] ♪ ♪ don't have to be beautiful ♪ ♪ to turn -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ -- on ♪ ♪ just your lips and your kiss ♪ >> those are my testicles. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> it's like someone stepped on a teacup poodle.
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sorry! this hour brought to you by go to meeting. my listeners can try it free for 30 days. okay. 1-800-steph-1-2. tammy duckworth running for congress against joe walsh. in illinois at the top of the hour. all right. let's go to claire in virginia. you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, claire. >> hi, stephanie, i enjoy your show so much, i can't even stand it. with the bloody mary in one hand and cigarette in the other -- >> rock on sister. i love that visual. >> i'm old and i'm enjoying gracefully going into the night -- whatever they say. >> there you go. >> anyway, dear i'm old but i'm getting ready to vote again with a lot of excitement but in virginia they were toying with
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the idea of the voter id law and everything. and i called my local representative, and i said look i am going to renew my driver license, if i fail can i not vote? he said no you can get a provisional. >> okay. >> but in texas i understand they can vote if they have a concealed gun permit. >> yeah, i don't think people realize how egregious this voter id law is. you have to drive -- you have to get like 170 miles to the nearest dmv -- >> stephanie my point is they said if you have a concealed gun permit, you can vote. >> thank you, claire even with your bloody mary in hand you
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figured it out. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> i know. anyway keep doing the good work. i appreciate it. >> thank you, claire. how much do i love that visual. >> we should get bloody marys here. >> damn right. >> what is the thing -- arrive all neatly groomed and sober in heaven, just to slide in sideways and say holy [ censor bleep ] i arrived. >> that's right. >> mitt romney yesterday. >> 90% of african-americans who typically vote for democrats. some may wonder why one would come here to address the naacp. >> he was talking to his base and differentiating himself from
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the people inside that hall. >> yes. >> he was using the naacp. >> he thinks black voters are just afraid to tell pollsters their feelings. >> right. you go with this. >> the opposition says i and people in my party are running for office to help the rich. >> uh-huh. >> nonsense. the rich will do just fine whether i'm elected or not. >> then what is the point of you? >> then who are you good for? >> the rich doesn't need your help. >> he said i expect to get the african american votes. >> computer says naaaaa -- >> what planet is he on? >> the one where you can't drink cola. >> carol from north carolina. >> it's camille. >> oh, i'm sorry. go ahead.
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>> okay. are you listening to me now? >> yes, i am. >> okay. this is camille from north carolina. i have a comment and a great idea, and i want your guys' opinion. yesterday romney thought that he would be accepted like a father -- you know -- i wrote it down so i wouldn't stutter -- he thought he would be accepted like his father -- >> his father marched in the civil rights -- >> exactly. >> however, that apple fell off of a cliff. [ laughter ] >> that's funny. didn't just fall in a different orchard, off of a cliff entirely. >> yep. >> let's go to jean in minneapolis. it's the official psychologist of the "stephanie miller show." hello, gene. >> good morning, steph. first of all i would like to disassociate myself from that whack job dr. keith. >> yes. >> i have a question for you all
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about a theory that a progressive was talking about last night that romney went to the convention purposely to show his base that he is a racist just like they are. >> yeah. >> and people aren't talking about the fact that unlike his father, he has said and done nothing to combat racism and he has never distances himself from what the block of mormons says about black people -- >> and he actively sought ted nugent's endorsement and says nothing about donald trump's birtherism. but you are right. >> that's right. and he is also courting his mormon base. he is especially busy courting his racist mormon base. and i have mormon relatives and
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these are scary scary thoughts. >> it's not to say they are all racist jean but your point is he had to know he would get booed if he said he was going to repeal affordable care. >> that's right. and he wants that sound bite so he can show him being booed. >> right. >> and jean right on queue, our first sound bite was rush limbaugh saying they booed him because he is white. >> uh-huh. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> yep. exactly. >> all right. thank you, honey. appreciate it. it's like glenn beck saying the president hates white people. this is them playing the race card again. >> exactly. and their base believes them. >> yep. karen in california. hi, karen. >> hey, momma. first of all congratulate me i became a try species mother.
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>> congratulations. >> two biospawn, four feline, and now a pitbull. >> ow. >> this pitbull she is so sweet, it's not even funny she like was abandoned so she constantly needs to sit in my lap -- >> oooooooooh. >> she is laying right next to me snoring. >> oooooooooh. [ laughter ] >> there's nothing funnier than a snoring pitbull. >> she crawls into bed. any way keith ablow, he got into this to be a douche. >> yeah. >> seriously. he didn't get into this to help people. he didn't get -- you know because psychiatry and psychologist -- i'm a psychology major, is all about helping people. >> that's right. if you are doing it right.
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>> you get into this to help the most fragile amongst this. and he didn't. he got into this to be a life coach, ding ding ding. >> it's chris and my personal bugaboo. hi, i'm a life coach. >> yes. who hires life coaches? people like romney. >> in my personal experience it is the biggest loser ever. >> you know who hire life coaches, the weak and vulnerable. >> you know who would be a perfect life coach, >> who? [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> me. >> wow. >> back with tammy duckworth next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm going to be on with the governor tomorrow night. she is awesome. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show."
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♪ hello current tv fans, here we are getting ready to kick off hour number 2. jim who said this is not the first time he has attacked my military service. i never claimed to be a hero. the heros are laying in their hospital beds at walter reid now. who said that. >> joe walsh? >> no it's tammy duckworth about joel walsh. >> oh, the opposite. we also have cliff chinfield, this is very exciting.
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they have -- it's a new progressive online media hub called "the message." he is tellings what they are doing. he is getting the utes involved. >> the utes. >> in the meantime erica ferrari our shiny new ferrari. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. >> take it away. >> jesse jackson jr's office says he is suffering from a mood disorder. but the secret medical leave is raising eyebrows in washington. his office released a statement, waying, quote, he is receiving intensive medical treatment at a residential treatment facility for a mood disorder. >> the nbc claims he is receiving treatment for alcoholism and addiction. the timing of the leave is also being questioned. he faces an ethics investigation
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in the u.s. house con dekted to former illinois governor. meantime presidential challenger, mitt romney heads to jackson hole wyoming today at the home of dick cheney. tickets to the event cost $30,000 or $60,000 for couples. cheney's daughter liz is also expected to attend. romney made light of his getting booed several times at the naacp speech in houston. he said, quote that's okay i want people to know what i stand for, and if i don't stand for what they want, go vote for season else. join us in chat at more stephanie coming up. ♪
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♪ >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> uh-huh. every trip is unique whatever you are looking for we can help you find yours, expedia find your journey. >> yes. >> six minutes after the hour,
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1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. we have been talking about joe walsh, congressman from illinois and his comments about tammy duckworth. she joins us now. good morning, tammy. thanks so much for taking time for us. >> it's a pleasure to be on. how are you? >> i'm good. >> we have been talking about this. this guy seems to go out of his way to be a jerk. as you pointed out, you never said you were a hero. but talk about your reaction to this. >> it came right after he cast those really bad votes. he was the only congressman in the entire state to vote against the highway bill and the only one to vote for student loan rates doubling. and i was trying to talk about that. and then this whole thing blew up. and i was just appalled because
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i just spent three years trying to get veterans to talk about their service, so they can get help, employment, and make it clear all of the things that makes them better employees and students. >> you were a blackhawk helicopter pilot, one of the first women to fly combat missions. you lost both legs and a part of your right arm, i don't know in who's book that is not a hero but i think your point is a larger point that is well-taken. you said i think it's important that this generation of veterans who are coming home who have high levels of posttraumatic stress, they should talk about their service. >> that's right. 18 veterans commit suicide every day in this country. >> it's outpaced combat deaths hasn't it? >> yes. because we don't know how to keep them safe at home by
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themselves, and then for young men and women who have spent their time in the military being told to be mentally tough and strong, to then be told you can't talk about it or people will question your bravery and heroism is onlying going to drive them further from the help they need. >> go ahead. >> our vets coming home today has unemployment levels at twice the level of the national average. and they need to tell employers about all of the kick-ass things they did in the military and now they can't if joe walsh had his way. >> he thinks they need to shut the hell up. >> you said this is typical of his irresponsible way of
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conducting himself. as you say he seems to be making this unnecessarily nasty and personal, doesn't he? >> well, he -- he does certainly like to be confrontational and controversial, and it is irresponsible for him as a sitting congressman, and i think frankly the people in the district are tired of it. they want people who will compromise and listen to one another, and the way things have been going in washington is not the way people want this district to be run. he is certainly not serving the people in the district by behaying this way. >> and he puts a particularly nasty face on this obstructionism. is there one thing joe walsh can tell us he has done or accomplished? >> he -- he did get an amendment passed. it was an amendment to cut funding for police force in
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cities that are considered to be sanctuary cities. >> oh. >> so he made chicago less safe. >> mozerratty does 185. >> that guy is a good guy. >> he did a fund raiser for you didn't he? >> yes. what people don't know about him, he is a midwesterner and he is really worried about where this nation is going. when we reached out to him, just -- we basically cold called him, and he got on the phone with me and he is like what is going on in washington in he is very engaged and i was blown away. >> wow, that's awesome. and the other thing joe walsh did yesterday they have now
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spent the 31st time they have voted to repeal affordable care when they could be doing other things. >> the affordable healthcare act is not perfect. it has a lot of fixes that need to happen but for the most part people like the programs in it and the fact that kids are covered, and seniors can't lose their insurance. so let's keep the good stuff, and work on the bad stuff, but holding 33 hearings and 33 votes to try to end the whole thing symbolically because you oppose a president is not helping anyone. >> yes. your friend from oregon, he said something i thought was important. he said the history of major things in this country is it takes time to sink in. social security was not wildly popular, medicaid was not adopted by all of the states
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until 1982. the more the american people see this, the more they like that. i think that's true. >> i do think that is true. i think once people have their kids covered, and no preexisting condition, they like that. and if you have crohn's disease or any of these other issues you are not going to want those caps to come back. >> yep absolutely. let's talk about how cool it is that you are a female blackhawk helicopter pilot? [ laughter ] >> it's totally cool. are you kidding me? [ laughter ] >> i spent, 12, 13 years flying for the army. and every day i put on that uniform, i thought, oh my god, they pay me for this. >> wow. >> how did you come by that interest in the first place? >> i was never interested in flying. i -- i wanted to become an army officer. i wanted to serve. this is such an amazing nation i'm so grateful for being an
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american and all of the rights and benefits that i have and in my family there is a tradition of service, but i chose helicopters because it was the only combat branch for women. >> oh. >> not that i wanted to go into combat, but we were sitting around the table and the instructors came in and said guys of the top five choices of what you want to do, three must be combat. you are going to put down three combat jobs and the army will tell you what it needs. except for duckworth, duckworth is female. she didn't have to put down any combat jobs. >> wow. >> for me i just thought this is not fair to the guys. so i said well what branches that are combat jobs accept women, and there were two. but the only one that actually had a combat job that women could eventually serve in was
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being a helicopter pilot. so i made that my number one choice, and worked hard and got it. and when i got to flight school all of the instructors said we wish more women will apply for this, because they make better pilots. >> the collective make the houses go bigger and smaller, and the cyclic makes them come at you faster or slower. [ laughter ] >> tammy i have always been so impressed -- just the way -- the injuries you sustained and the attitude you have has been such an inspiration. if i can do anything. i will help you by the way. >> thank you. people can help me in all sorts of ways but it's really about serving the nation in some way and i'm lucky to be alive. i think i was given a gift when i was blown up.
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i know that sounds silly, but my buddies who are the real heros are the ones that risked their own lives to save my life. and the gift that i have is that i have that one marker -- one beacon in my life that i look back to and it's what i have to judge every day by. for me it's always -- what would the guys who saved my life say about what i did or didn't do today and how i carried myself, and i don't ever want them to be ashamed. i'm going to sit in a corner and feel sorry for myself. >> right. you honor their service too. and that's to me joe walsh is what is wrong with everything in politics today. he said john mccain never talked about his service. did he sit through the same campaign he did? he always said he deserved to talk about his service just as
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you do. it's just another way they feel that try to divide us. >> he tries to tell people that all i do is talk about my military service, when really i have been talking about the fact that he has done nothing in washington. he voted for the highway bill he wants student loan rates to double, he continues to block any budget that comes through and he won't compromise and he also wants the tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires to continue. >> two plus two does equal five. >> that's right. and they did this to max cleveland. when you think there is nothing too low, they surprise you. thank you for fighting the fight in so many ways. >> you can go to
7:16 am to donate to the campaign. >> thanks, guys. [ applause ] >> she gave me chills. >> cyclic is the equivalent of a stick -- >> he is such a plane geek. all day long he is going to be telling the story about how tammy duckworth laughed, and then i said -- [ laughter ] >> in a plane and -- all right. you are adorable. what is not adorable about you? nothing. okay. [ applause ] >> 18 minutes after the hour. i think jim will freeze that moment in his computer -- >> i'll do it right now. >> all right. relief? nothing something you typically experience after a computer disaster unless you have carbonite. i think just to spite him you should say i don't have it. >> i can't because then i would
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be a liar because carbonite saves it for me. >> that's right. >> you have carbonite then where is harrison ford? >> that's not important right now. carbonite backs up all of your files automatically, so no matter what happens you get all of the backed up files back with just a few clicks. prices start at just $59 for the entire year. >> wow. >> yeah. yeah. i want you to get it now. now. do it now. >> now! >> type in my offer code stephanie, you get two months free with your subscription. >> hon solo not included. >> yes. february fdic. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: kid tested, john conyers approved. it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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>>the only thing that can save america now: current television. >>join the debate now. ♪
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♪ running and running and running and running and running and running and running and running, everybody, everybody, get into -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ come on get started, let's get it started, ha ♪ ♪ let's get it started in here ♪ >> i understand that the original lyric was let's get retarded. and that was met opposition. >> yeah. i wonder why. 24 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. why looky who is over there. it's cliff chenfeld joins us -- >> chenfeld. >> okay. [ applause ] >> tell us what kids bop is. >> it's a music series for kids
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between the ages of 5 and 12. >> and it's very very successful. >> was with a bike trip last week with a lot of parents and they were speaking kid. i don't really -- blah blah camp something -- i was like i don't speak kid. >> i speak dog. >> yeah, exactly. but this is important especially in an election year, right? >> uh-huh. >> the first one is romney -- prepping him for the naacp. >> yeah, just to be clear this is not from kids bop. this is from the message. which was something we created last month trying to be a little bit provocative and do video, and try to get to some issues that maybe democrats and progressives haven't been getting to that well. >> right. >> we are making a video that go after issues that the democrats
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may be a little bit afraid of and we're also trying to reach younger people and people who may be a little bit disenfranchised right now. the first video we did was a video of romney and his advisers. >> let's hear. >> marvin invented willie horton. remember the swift vote? he built them with his bare hands. he is here to get through this naacp thing. >> thank for the intro, keith. governor, it's a real pleasure. let's get down to brass tacks. blacks don't you like. so we want to turn their criticisms into an advantage for us. i want you to pretend that your are black. why? because you don't like the governor. come on, don't speak to me. speak to the governor. pretend you are black. >> they you were around in your
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30s and you never spoke out against it or really even acknowledged it was an issue -- >> if i might governor. this election is about the economy and jobs. it's not an opportunity to bash governor romney's religion. all right you next. >> voter id laws. they are routinely attacked. >> african-americans and young people vote democrats. we want to disenfranchise them. why? so question win elections. >> all right. so we have the whole thing up on the stephanie miller website. >> stephanie there is a great punch line coming -- >> i'm sorry. >> i'm kidding. [ laughter ] >> it is hilarious, though -- sometimes some democrats don't have spines what would you the -- [♪ dramatic music ♪] >> a lot of times we'll sit around and go they should have done -- and that's the sort of
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stuff you doing -- >> i don't even know if it is polite, i think so much is geared to making sure the person that maybe voted for -- you know, clinton and then voted for bush and then voted for obama and maybe is a swing voter in the suburbs of columbus ohio, and everything seems to be geared to those people and everything that pushes a little bit and might offend that person, they don't want to do. my problem is not that the democratic party is not left enough, it's just we have issues that are very power that we don't work on. the republicans are fire breathers. we are sitting here always playing defense. and i think that doesn't work -- doesn't cut through, and younger people just don't get it at all. and then they have an amazing ability to manipulate the dialogue. so businesses are job creators and estate taxes are death tax,
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and we don't do that. and now it's -- things are going our way. we should be taking advantage of that and be creative, and i don't think we are. >> that last little bit we just played we're having barack obama on next hour, because that is exactly what the voter id stuff is all about in texas. and i think you cannot speak out loudly enough about it. >> and stephanie what is going on. is romney speaking to the naacp, we sat round in our message conference room and said we just sat through a republican primary, in which it was amazing how horrible the language was, personal things and he is about to go in front of the naacp and pull this off, and no one is saying anything. >> exactly. all right. more with cliff chenfeld as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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they're going to vote for who >> this court has proven to be the knowing, delighted accomplice in the billionaires' purchase of our nation. >> and you think it doesn't affect you? think again.
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♪ take just one more ♪ it's been dumbed down ♪ long before romney ♪ ever did ♪ >> thank you . >> stephanie: 45 minutes after the hour. we'll be back as we close "the stephanie miller show."
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>> on "the stephanie miller ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> was a shy awkward child who promised to become a weird, unloved adult. >> wow that was eerily accurate. cliff chenfeld >> don't worry about it. >> we just played the message. >> and the website is >> yeah. awesome. let's listen -- this is mitt romney yesterday. >> i'm going to eliminate every nonessential program i can find that includes obamacare and i'm
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going to work to reform and save -- [ booing ] >> wow. >> and did you hear what he said afterwards. if people want more free stuff, they should vote for obama. >> wow. >> on the scale of racist how racist was that would you say? >> i -- i agree with the folks who said he did this to show his folks he could stand up to all of those people. >> that's what felicia in maryland said. >> i'm a 47-year-old with a 5 year old, so i know who cliff is, and thank you for your music. i really appreciate it. >> oh thank you. >> my son can drop it like it's hot and don't have to hear the cursing. >> tell him to enter the contest we're having for trying to find the best singer in the country under 15. >> oh my god.
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i know he would love it. because i went out creeping and then i brung a present home because my oldest son is 25. but stephanie this guy cliff said, one [ inaudible ] black people? >> right. >> and you said the quote, that's what i call it because you see i gave you a break for months, girl. >> i understand. >> that quote, he said -- i'm paraphrasing -- he said if y'all want free stuff from the government, let they vote for barack obama. i believe he is a calculating man. he knew what to do and how to do it? >> we're back to welfare queens -- there you go. which is a perfect segue. >> right, well. >> to what you were going to do with reagan. >> we'll have a whole series of
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romney and his advisors plotting to figure out how to distort thing. and then we're taking reagan down. reagan was elevated to something around jesus christ, and they do that for -- and they have been doing that for 15 or 20 years for very calculated reasons. they basically want to turn him into something that is so perfect and important so that they can then cite him as -- as a justification for all of the things they are doing so when they are cutting things or whatever policy they were pursuing, they can say the great ronald reagan pursued this. and it has become very persuasive. bill o'reilly had governor norquist on, and he went on for about five minutes about reagan
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and he just sat there. the democrats typically won't go after that because they don't want to offend reagan democrats. but reagan needs to be brought down a little bit. we have this rapper samed soul com, and he takes reagan down to being the greatest president of all time to something closer to -- >> the main thing is when you hear people getting into a discussion about trickle down and they are like, well it worked. and it's like no it didn't. economies across the board would say no. >> but if you talk to people who are younger, reagan's really this sort of historical figure who ended the cold war and did all of these great things. he is not the guy who had a
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hundred of his administration officials prosecuted the guy who tripled the deficit, he is not the guy who tried to eliminate the epa or department of education. they say actually reagan -- he was really more moderate. and that's effective. >> yeah, but that point is also true that he couldn't have gotten through this republican primary -- there is that point. >> right. >> that this republican party is so far to the right -- how do you discuss with governor norquist and not talk about him raising taxes 12 times. >> i agree, but to the extent that democrats can say he is not as crazy as you guys are, but when this guy left office he was not perceived as this great president, so republicans cannot sit here and say we are the
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descendents of the greatest man whoever existed and you are a descendant of the socialist jimmy carter. >> it's fun to green screen him into this debate. >> i know. >> you think boos were bad at the naacp yesterday -- >> but the message is doing it in an entertaining way, and that's what i love about it. >> this rapper who made his name by engaging these rap battles on youtube, he is doing this in a way that i think will contact as opposed to -- an editorial in the "new york times," which i read, but saying that reagan wasn't so great is not going to connect all of these people. >> i think that's why it is so important what you are doing, because we have this discussion every election cycle, is the youth vote going to get out and
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be activated. because you are right, i don't think people think about how to reach them. >> i'm not sure the republicans are doing that that well, but they also don't have the numbers on their side. >> they are so naturally hip, though. [ laughter ] >> deb in california you are on with cliff. >> hey, there -- [ dog barking ] >> there goes the dog. hi there. the dog is howling because i ran across the room. >> yeah, we can hear that. >> i was calling because of the mitt romney thing, and i was also calling because i want everybody to call their congress people. >> yep. >> and start bitching. >> yeah. about? >> well, about the fact that the southern strategy works. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and they have these five democrats who are fools. >> mitt romney said it oh,
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yeah, i expected that. we expected the boos. it's just -- i guess that's the footage they wanted for fox news, right? and on schedule rush limbaugh said he only got booed because he is white. >> when we put up our video yesterday, everyone said we were anti-white. >> wow. >> they had us for two hours on the home page and hannity was talking about us because we are the liberal anti-white people. so i wear it proudly. >> well-known white super'em cyst. >> you lost me what is that about? >> there is one line in the video that is supposed to be funny and he tells romney how white he is -- >> yeah. >> he makes pumpernickel -- wonder bread
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look like pumpernickel and everyone said they are make fun of white people >> i see. kevin in orange county. you are on with cliff. hi, kev. >> i wanted to talk about the message, it sounds like a great, great website for -- for webo's because the problem that we have is we're good at pollty but bad at perception. i think the republicans really become the party that tries to fix problems that don't exist, whether it's getting rid of planned parenthood to fix the budget, or a .003% voter fraud that needs to get fixed. or 1 penny out of every $3 in food stamps that need to get
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fixed. >> yeah. >> don't forget about securing the border, kevin. >> whether it's getting rid of pimps and herebyings from acorn, or the through black panther party which is three people walking down the street. >> yes, the people i'm doing this with, we are not all let's get along type of people. i want to go and kick their ass a little bit. and i just feel that that attitude has not been there enough on our side for 20 or 30 years. >> absolutely right. >> and there are a lot of people that feel the way we do unfortunately the way it is manifested in the media is can't we get along -- >> this is what we always joke about that drives us crazy about the main stream media, there are two sides to everything -- >> both sides have a point. >> yeah. >> we'll have to leave it there. >> who is the equivalent
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of -- you know, the tea party and the right-wing that are controlling the republican party? who is out on the left? dennis kasinch controlling the democrats? did i miss something here? these are power people and their right-wing is enormously powerful and fairly crazy, and you can't say we'll split the difference. i'm not saying we should be crazy, but we should try to win. >> maybe even fighting a little dirty? >> how about just fighting with the tools that are given to you -- >> okay. >> i can't tell you how many wealthy people i have spoken to in new york where i live who have contributed to democratic campaigns in the past, and they have taken a pledge to not give money this year. they don't want to get their hands dirty. i don't think that republicans do that. >> right.
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>> they are ready to go and run obama back to kenyan. >> yeah. yeah. look -- that's our subject around here is the wealthy liberals investing in infrastructure. >> i know. >> like radio -- that's the thing like do you get what they have done with right-wing radio and fox news. >> i know. >> exactly. cliff great stuff. it is up on our website. >> >> thanks for having me. >> love what you are doing. >> congratulationses with the kid -- whatever. >> whatever! >> yeah. >> how many albums are there now? >> a lot. there's a lot. >> wow congratulations. [ applause ] >> congratulations -- >> why do you hate capitalism? >> i know from the sexy liberal tour that liberals that have succeeded capitalism drives them crazy. [ explosion ] >> which is what makes it more fun. 46 minutes after the hour.
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right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for a shock! >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ oh, oh, here she comes, watch out boy, she'll chew you up ♪ ♪ oh, oh here she comes she's a man eater ♪ >> you eat men? is that what that means? >> not anymore apparently. >> not since the early '90s. [ laughter ] >> love and hate letter -- >> love letter first? >> yes.
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hi momma, my sexy liberal mom anita, 81 years old watching for the first time from ordondo beach. [ applause ] >> hi. >> it is that way. >> normally the first time people stumble upon me it does not go well. i have found whenever a letter starts lady it doesn't end well for me. >> unless it's from kenny rogers. >> lady shut that big mouth before the fcc shuts you up. lady i don't know where you get off thinking you know everything. you don't know anything you are so foe crap your eyes are brown. green actually. you hate it when people won't
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kiss your ass. lady you don't have a clue of it is like in a war, you have nothing but a pinko leftist commie, go away bitch. [ applause ] >> oh. >> he doesn't understand much about punctuation, apparently. >> i was not abandoned, my mom watches every day. i was abandoned by wolves and then raised by republicans, barbara. >> you high tailed it out of buffalo, though. >> yes, i did. >> rocky mountain mike and audra in indianapolis, they cocreated this for us. >> they certainly did. >> for governor jan brewer in arizona. ♪ ♪ bone finger ♪
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♪ must think that they are so cool ♪ ♪ she has high school ♪ ♪ bony face ♪ ♪ pointing fingers right up in your face ♪ ♪ it's a head less corpse ♪ ♪ on mrs. bony finger ♪ ♪ president be ware [ inaudible ] ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ the finger's cold ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ she's really that old ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ bony and old ♪ [ laughter ] >> wow! >> that's great. wow! audra belting it out in the basement of indianapolis.
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hello. >> that was really good audra. >> tad in north carolina you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> good morning, momma. i really love your show. >> thank you. >> just to go back to the mitt romney at the naacp, we heard there were planted people in the audience that weren't even members to show more support for him -- >> yeah, i heard that mitt brought a possy with him. >> yeah and booing was perfect because it is going to get all of the racist supporters fired up. and i think it was an intensional. >> yeah. >> mitt thinks he did really well. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> yeah. >> he also thinks he created jobs. >> well, there's that. he was greated very warmly respectfully, and it was when he starts saying things -- >> when he opens his yap --
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>> that's when things went awry. the crowd booed when he called for the repeal of obamacare, and when he suggested he would be a better president than obama for the african american community. and someone sent us pictures of the audience. >> yeah. springtime for hitler. >> yes. ♪ springtime for romney ♪ >> they talked to some actual naacp members after the speech. some of romney's comments were patronizing -- not compared to what you said afterwards. while joe brown said romney made a serious misjudgment. i don't think he has any way to relate to regular citizens let aloe african american citizens.
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the naacp said they app appreciate him coming unfortunately they don't think he supports what they stand for him. but mitt romney said the secret blacks are just aprayed to tell pollsters. >> i spoke with a number of african american leaders after the event, and they said a lot of folks don't want to say they are not voting for barack obama, but having a standing ovation was generous on the part of the audience, and while we disagree on some issues like obamacare, on a lot of issues we see eye to eye. >> who are these people? name them? >> the secret ninja blacks. >> they are the blacks right here in my pocket. >> all right. mitt romney yesterday at the
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naacp. >> the president wants to make this campaign about blaming the rich, and i want to make this campaign about helping the middle class. >> oh, sure you do. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> mitt romney has tax cuts for everyone, more than 2 million african american working-class families would lose their tax credits and earned income. just fyi. >> by help he means help them to disappear off of the face of the earth. >> yes, they would become secret blacks -- [♪ magic wand ♪] >> yeah, there you go. more with what happened on the floor with the health care -- >> uh-huh. >> 31st time they voted to repeal health care yesterday. and ari berman of "the nation" as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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[♪ theme music ♪] hello, current tv land. here we are getting ready for the last hour -- hoo -- of the show. what is the one thing you are not supposed to do about voter id laws, is say your votes probably won't be counted -- [ buzzer ] >> i would say you have to be aware. >> yes it's good to highlight these things which ari does. and what is going on in texas is incredible. and we have 89 hours, erica
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ferrari, they spent 89 hours trying to repeal health care. that's what the republicans have done for us thus far. >> yeah. >> what do you think of that? >> i think it's a big waste of time. >> yes! >> there you go. thank you. [ applause ] [ laughter ] >> can you imagine if you spent 89 hours in the current news hour doing nothing. what would happen to you? >> i don't spend 89 hours doing anything? >> there you are. here she is erica ferrari. >> good morning, everyone after voting to repeal the president's healthcare reform law for the 33rd time, paul ryan said in a radio interview that the supreme court is not the final authority on the future of the affordable healthcare act. the republican from wisconsin says it is not too late to repeal the law. polls show more than half of americans want the gop to drop the issue and move on. and nancy pelosi says presidential challenger mitt
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romney wanted to get heckled at the naacp convention yesterday. the president will skip this year's naacp gathering, but the vice president delivers the speech there this morning. top university officials allegedly conceals sandusky's sex scandaling to presend bad press. and more videos were released in the george zimmerman case. join us in chat at, more stephanie coming up. ♪
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this morning's "talking liberally with stephanie miller" is brought to you by expedia. find your voice.
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what the current audience can expect from my show is the unexpected. >>stephanie miller challenges the system, now it's your turn. >>it's a little bit of magic. >>connect with "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at and on twitter at smshow.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] ♪ >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ it's time to feel good hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> oh, you know it's bad news when you are just back from vacation and already bickers. >> i know. >> i have grown tired of you. >> oh, shut up. >> i'm tired of you. >> you pipe down over there. [ laughter ] >> six minutes after the hour the website is
8:03 am, you are email the whole crew there. ari berman is so good on this stuff, you got to -- you know you can't let it disspirit you, but you have to know what the problem is and identify it. he has a great new piece on the texas voter id law. ari joining us now. hello, ari. >> good stephanie, how are you doing. >> i'm good. i feel like getting under the blankets and getting my flashlight out -- [♪ mysterious music ♪] >> you said the facts are not on texas's side, so this is good news at least, right? >> well, yeah it's good news if indeed the federal court in washington rules against texas. it's obviously bad news if texas gets away with it. but texas has a number of problems. the burden is on them to prove
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their law does not violate the voting rights act. so they have to show that. 1.4 million registered voters in texas don't have id, and number two getting access to that id in texas is very difficult because only 81 of 254 counties in texas even have a dmv. and counties in texas can be huge -- >> i was just going to say -- >> so if someone doesn't have id and there's no public transportation, how are they even supposed to get to a dmv to get the id. so there are a number of problems, not just with the law itself but texas's utter lack of preparation in preparing for this law. they have to get clearance from section 5 of the voting right's to put this in effect. >> we just a clip on mitt romney
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saying you can get an id everywhere -- and you break it down so clearly. you have to think about how big texas is number 1. and counties with a significant hispanic population are less likely to have a dmv license. as you break down some voters in one district there would have to travel up to 176-miles round trip to reach a driver's license office with no car presumably working and maybe raising kids, right? >> yes, and this is part of a broader trend from the state of texas to try to dilute the minority vote. whites are now a minority in texas. and republicans are almost synonymous with the conservative white vote. so they are basically trying to
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suppress those voter's votes. not only through the voter id law, but also the districting maps. they drew the map in such a way that massive hispanic and african american growth, white republicans actually have more seats under the new map than the previous map even though 80% of population growth came from people of color. this is a brazen attempt to try to shape the electorate of the state in their own favor. >> it's like they are giving up on trying to address any of the issues that might -- you know -- have those groups want to vote for -- other -- it seems this is their only plan is just to suppress the vote and this redistricting, they could retain a huge political majority for the next decade. >> obviously the state of texas isn't too concerned with those populations. look at what rick perry is doing, denying medicaid to 6
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million uninsured texans. that also is going to be disproportionately people of color, lower-income residents and large populations of the black and hispanic community. i think texas is a scary model for republicans, i think republicans all across the country are looking at texas and saying our electorate is changing, and texas said we'll just make it harder for them to vote, and that's how we will remain a majority. and that's what republicans have done state after state after state made it harder for their political opponents to be able to vote. >> ari you point out some -- really, i think interesting specifics, a lot of people, again, that have money -- go i don't understand -- they don't understand -- this woman that this fund raiser for romney in the hamptons she was almost describing a poll tax, wasn't she if low income people don't
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really understand -- literally she was close to saying like why should they be allowed to vote? >> yeah. >> the least expensive option that you don't have documents is to spend $22 on a copy of the voter's birth certificate. which is still a poll tax. and so many people in this economy, that money to some people is the money for food for that day. >> these are the same arguments that were made by other conservatives in the precivil rights era, in the jim crow area, which is that these people aren't civilized enough to vote. voting is a privilege, not a right. i'm shocked that we are still hearing the same argument being made today. it's like this entire period of our history when the united states -- like just
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absolutely disenfranchised large section of the population. to get id you need underlying documentation, which requires an id? so i mean it is a catch-22. it is in some ways a 21 century equivalent of making people count the number of jelly beans in a jar. >> yeah. listen. ari i just traveled overseas for vacation last week, and it was interesting, i -- in fact the last time i had gone i realized i lost my passport and didn't have my birth certificate, and i am someone who has means. you realize what it would take -- it was expensive to get it -- i mean having all of these steps like you are saying you have to take to get stuff. it's not as easy as people try to make it. >> no, i mean it is difficult, and the question is how many people are going to say the hell with it? i'm not going to bother? it's too complicated.
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my id is expired or i don't want to go through the hassle of getting a birth certificate. i don't have the time to wait three hours at the dmv -- people are going to say screw it. and we cannot quantify the number of people that might be in the next election, and that's what really worries me. it's not so much people can't comply, it's just that they will decide it's too much -- >> it is designed -- it is extra hoops to have to jump through to be able to vote. somebody pointed out that called earlier, a in texas a handgun permit is accepted an acceptable form of id, but not a student id. >> you have to assume that gun owners in texas are going to be more conservative. >> right. >> i think the reasonable assumption to make -- it's not only texas -- a number of other
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states have made it so you can't use a student id either. and this again is another shot at barack obama's coalition, because the people that have the hardest time complying with these laws other than the elderly are hispanics african-americans and young voters, and those last three groups are the core of the obama coalition in 2008 and will be once again the core of the obama coalition in 2012 along with women particularly unmarried women. >> and ari you know, as we have had this discussion more broadly over the years, you know -- has there been unprecedented lack bash or racism against having the first african american president, one of the things you noted is there has been more challenges in the past two years than the previous 45 combined. >> yeah, it goes hand in hand. passing the laws and then trying to gut the voting right's act which is the only mechanism that
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the department of justice has to block the laws. the long-term goal of the republican party is to be able to overturn the key sections of the voting rights act. because that will open the flood gates. it will be like the citizens united provision. it will be theive event of what happened with citizens united because the department of justice won't have the authority to make states approve their voting laws. they will then have to prove after the -- after the fact that these laws discriminate against voters, and it -- it's very difficult because they are going to lose their most important dur rur rant and enforcement mechanism. so they are playing the short game and then the long game of trying to overturn the voting rights act in court, which is honestly what the dixie crats
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would have wanted. >> they are responding to an indeskly diverse electorate. instead of say under bill clinton, rising tide lifting all boats, instead of figures out how to come with policies that appeal to everybody, this seems to be their only mechanism to try to suppress the vote. what is the line i always screw up is the arc of history is long but always bends towards justice. >> i am seeing more concern about the issue. i'm seeing a significant pushback to these laws that didn't exist a year ago. for example, rick scott voter purge in florida completely backfired him. and a republican governor in michigan has vetoed one of these
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laws. and i have to believe that rick snyder in michigan saw what was happening to rick scott in florida, because the problems that these states had gotten into with the department of justice, and just thought i don't want to be in one of these situations so close to an election where i have to deal with this issue. other republican governors believe they have no choice. this is what is going to allow romney to win the state of pennsylvania. so for some people this will be at all costs we have to get these laws in to ensure that republicans win the next election, but i think other more reasonable republican governors and politicians across the map will see if we pass one of these laws, we're not going to be able to do it at the last moment where no one notices. people are paying attention to this issue now. >> it's all because of one man,
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[ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> that's right. [ laughter ] >> it was all me. >> ari berman great stuff at "the nation" as usual. >> thanks a lot, i appreciate it. >> a man in a perfect world -- in a perfect voting world. [ laughter ] >> 18 minutes after the hour. kids i'm not saying me but if some of you are having menopause systems -- >> oh, god -- raise your arms right now. hey, you are having no menopause symptoms. >> why? am rin, thank you! [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> i have good news for you. since 2004 amberin has helped hundreds of thousands of women. everybody has their own version of mooks husbands boyfriends whatever. it balancing hormones naturally. it's an effective all-natural solution. that's key for me.
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it's effective, all natural, for common menopause systems. no prescription required. dane ta says i'm amazed by amberin. i was having terrible hot flashes. i'm no longer experiencing any hot flashes, what a difference. thank you. they'll send you a risk-free trial, call now at 800-893-3027. all right. 20 minutes after the hour. speaking of which -- >> what? >> i had a mammogram yesterday. i have a new future wife. i'll tell you about it when i come back. >> oh, really? was this a real mammogram? >> i have a test-o-gram for you mr. ward. >> 20 minutes after the hour right back on the "stephanie
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miller show." >> [ whistling ] that's a lot of zeros. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ here i go again, my my how can i resist her, momma -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ now i really know my my i can never left you go. >> i can never understand what i'm singing. >> yeah they just sang sounds. >> 25 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. chris, thank god for the creative input of the guy that
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owner owns this show that is trying to kill me for the life insurance money. he just wrote could we please get rid of the dirty plate? it doesn't look good on camera. >> and it was in all caps. >> and i did. that was yours jim. i did your housecleaning as i normally do. >> i do the housecleaning after you skidded a l right out of here. >> chris in pennsylvania just found us. hello, chris. >> hi. i wanted to let you know my husband just introduced me to your show today, and i love you guys. your lady female jew, that is nuts or whatever -- love her. >> thank you. >> i wanted to add my $0.02 that
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mitt romney will create jobs but he needs to finish these sentence that those jobs will be in places like china, mexico. >> yes. thank you, chris. [ applause ] >> here is mittens talking to the naacp yesterday. >> if our priority is jobs -- and that's my priority -- that's something i would change. >> he is talking about the obama affordable healthcare act. i was talking to some people who said they would not hire -- >> there was a guy who said he might hire somebody if only obama would go away. >> rick in north carolina. hi, rick. >> oh, hey, stephanie. >> hi. >> i'm really happy to get on. i have been listening to you for years. i started in the south bay of l.a. >> wow. >> and i was calling to ask if i
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could be your official last liberal episcopal priest. >> all right. then. that just opened up this morning. >> why am i calling this morning? >> no, i said that opening just opened this morning. >> oh, wow. i used to listen to focus on the family, and one day i got so fed up with the political agenda, that i started flipping the dial, and there you were it was like salvation. >> oh! [♪ magic wand ♪] >> i wanted to thank you for being on the air, and i always wanted to call in, and i thought i should have an excuse so i wanted to let you know that my family and i are a nielson family -- >> oh, we can't talk about that. [ buzzer ] >> i was just going to ask -- >> no, we can't. >> if he works at st. francis -- >> moving right along. mitt romney yesterday at the
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naacp. >> today black children are 17% of students nationwide but they are 42% of the students in our worse-performing schools. candidates can't have it both ways. talking up education reform while indulging the same groups that are blocking reform? >> excuse me let's just take one thing. student loan rates, it's republicans that are blocking this. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> yes, indeed. >> for one latest example. okay. 29 minutes after the hour we'll have the complete waste of time that was the repeal of the health care -- >> and waste of money too. >> uh-huh. 29 minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ marriage, blah-blah-blah. i'm just saying. [ ♪ magical ♪ ] >> what have you done. >> stephanie: unlike prime minister david cameron who left his baby in a bar.
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>> well, not quite a baby. >> you have a baby. >> just saying. >> in a bar. >> stephanie: straight parents. >> it wasn't quite a baby. >> stephanie: she was eight. >> eight. >> stephanie: prime minister david cameron accidently left his daughter in a bar. >> there is a difference. >> stephanie: that's a mix up. >> she was finishing his red barrel. >> stephanie: there was a mix up after a family lunch at a publish. >> of course. >> stephanie: the prime minister was distraught when he realized that he left his daughter
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♪ hey, hey, hey, don't you talk to her like that. >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> is as cool as the other side of the pillow. [ laughter ] >> it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it, 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. friday in alaska -- >> that is the coolest name ever. >> right. right. hello friday? hello. >> oh. >> friday? >> oh. >> we had our girl friday. >> we did. >> adrian in pennsylvania you are on the "stephanie miller show." hey, adrian. >> how are you? >> good, go ahead. >> earlier you guys were talking about mitt romney.
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i'm a black but i live in pennsylvania, i live in lebanon it's a small farming town -- >> hello, black dude in pennsylvania. >> yeah, i'm a rare one. out here the attitude of the people has always been the same. the racism is not even hidden. it's out in the open, and to see it on the media and the way the republicans get behind it is a really scary thing, because as a black man -- i recently moved to pennsylvania after living in new york for years, so this racism was kind of a shock. >> right. >> and actually -- there are a lot of people out here who don't have -- they say it's just $20. it's like, man that's four gallons of milk, you know what i mean? >> right. it doesn't mean the same thing to everybody. and it doesn't even matter what the exact amount is. it's a poll tax. >> uh-huh. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> i love this story. the rnc is firing back.
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michael field said the party has been slacking in his outreach to black people. >> they have been slacking for about 40 years. [ laughter ] >> i love this story. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> magically. reince preibus -- >> reince prebus! >> thank you. a now outreach program for black voters. one can only hope it can be as successful as the calendar -- [ crickets chirping ] >> i don't know what happened to that either. any way there was supposed to be a website that was supposed to feature gop people like allen west and tim scott -- >> right the two of them. >> it cannot be found currently. and they did not respond to a
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request for a link. the cite never came to fruition or was taken down. the rnc spokesman said it is more dedicated to electing romney, which by the way is for black people because . . . >> that's -- [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] obama leading among black voters 93% to 7. which does not count the seek relate blacks. >> i submit to you this if you want a president who will make things better in the african american community you are looking at him. you take a look. [ laughter ] >> you take a look. >> they did. you saw the
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pictures -- seriously the faces hysterical -- ♪ springtime for hitler and romney ♪ >> brian in california, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, brian. >> hell everybody it is brian in suritos. >> oh. >> stephanie i touched your board the other day? >> excuse me. >> i was in the studio with another radio program. >> you slut. okay. go ahead. >> i publish a newspaper here and one of my readers ran an idea to me can the government send out voter id cards without going to congress? >> that's an interesting question. >> i'med congress woman sanchez. >> yeah, interesting question. i'm sure they are obviously thinking of ways to combat this voter suppression going on in texas and elsewhere. >> you just did it again.
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it's a sarah palin story that's why. >> okay. [ laughter ] [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> sarah palin warned that mitt romney should light the bases hair on fire. also too in addition. he said he doesn't want to have to light his hair on fire. there are a lot of us that are saying light our hair on fire then. remind us how important this is to get engaged in this election because it is the election of our lifetime. she suggested that romney will want to play it safe by picking someone for vp that was more of a known come immediatedy than she was, quote so the media doesn't do what they did to me." >> you did that yourself. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> you just talked.
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>> you opened your giant pie hole. >> also too you bet ya. >> she would have quit by now anyway. >> well, yeah, judging from her record. >> absolutely. >> the latest on this -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] . >> -- where is this from mr. romney's financial black hole. some good stuff about the stuff he is hiding. presidential candidates since water gate have released several tax returns -- >> but not mitt. >> no. 2010 tax released showed a blind trust held by his wife ann. >> hum. >> what is that? more fun facts? yes. recent articles focused on a bermuda account that mr. romney transferred to his wife's blind trust the day before he was nominated as governor of massachusetts. >> hum. >> that seems fishy already. mr. romney has always not fully
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announced the nature of his separation agreement with bain. last month he received $2 million payment from bain as part of his work there. mr. romney has interest in 12 companies in the cayman islands. the romney camp has often distanced itself, vote verse no way of knowing how much he received from bain, or how much is coming. firms like bain park their companies in the caymans because the islands have no taxes. but just because it is legal doesn't mean it is the right thing to do. >> if he released 12 years of tax information like that guy george romney did -- >> yes. >> in romney has received no tax benefits from his offshore shelters. but it is impossible to check without more disclose shire. >> that's why he is not disclosing.
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>> okay. >> herp derp. >> he must get more than we do. okay. i guess you just put it there because it's sunny. [ laughter ] >> doy! that probably flew with carthy dur. >> i say to the republican leadership, take off your lace panties, stop being noodle backed -- >> okay. what are the republican in congress doing for you? [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> they spent 89 hours trying to make away your health care coverage. they voted again for the 34th time. i'm sorry -- 88 hours and 53 minutes. according to congressional record trying to undue the reform. democrats introduced an amendment that would have forced members of congress to forgo the same health care -- >> yeah, they didn't go for that. >> it's a the i'm a big fat
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hypocrite amended. >> represent of delaware yesterday. >> repealing the affordable healthcare act is wrong, it was wrong the first time, it was wrong the 31st time. >> i love her! oh, my god. ♪ mumbling ♪ >> nancy pelosi said the law is alive and well it has a big future, i knew it would bass, i knew it would be uphelded, and i know it will survived. >> may the pal ticks be damned we came to do a job, we're very proud of what we did, of course we are thrilled with the judgment of the -- the decision handed down by the court. i think this election will be about jobs. this bill creates 4 million jobs. >> and of course the boner. >> for those who still support
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repealing this harmful health care law we're giving our colleagues another chance to heed the will of the american people. >> shut up. >> and it's a chance for our colleagues to reconsider those for who did not vote to oppose it last time. >> it's not the will of the american people, you dope. [ mumbling ] >> nancy pelosi predicted the 14-point swing since april. she said it will continue when people see what this is without the flog of misrepresentation. they were comparing it to social security medicare -- >> uh-huh. >> that back in the day -- although some republican votes at the time the nature was remarkably similar without warning about a government threatening freedom. who said jim in fact -- [♪ "jeopardy" theme music ♪] >> this was an ad in the 1960s. who said if medicare would have
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passed you and i would have spent our sunset years telling your children and your children's children what it was like in america when men were free. >> lyndon banes johnson. >> no, ronald reagan. >> there i go again. >> representative jim mcdermott. he is also the only fizz in addition the democratic conference. he said if you look at medicare i was in medical school in 1963, the ama said over and over again this is socialism, communism, it's terrible, but it went through. >> how did i not get that memo that that he was a physician -- >> i know. in 1935 -- >> in 1935 -- >> republican representative john taber said of the social security act, never in the
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history of the world has any measure been brought here so insidiously designed as to present business recovery enslave workers and prevent any possibility of employers providing work for the people. wow. they were always drama queens. >> i think that is a wonderful look. i'm going to take it up myself. [ laughter ] >> jim mcdermott said will it be fought? sure it will. in a democracy it is an evolutionary process that is never finished. it never stops moving forward. that's the process we're in now, but it's moving backwards. and the people won't stand for it a little long. dammit, jim he is a doctor.
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>> dammit jim -- >> we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: dammit jim, i'm not a doctor but i think i'm dying of laughter. it's a the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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♪ ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> do it. do it. >> do it! >> yeah. ♪ and it's getting better all the time ♪ >> uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." this hour brought to you by go to meeting. my listeners can try go to
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meeting free for 30 days. type in the pro foe code stephanie. all right. this is an e-card. sorry i would rather stay home and nurse an unhealthy attachment to my dog than socialize with people. [ applause ] >> dogs in my case. hi rick in north carolina. >> hi, stephanie thanks for letting me back on -- i apologize for a previous comment there. i want to tell you why we love obamacare here. and why romney is really blowing it by saying he has got to revoke it. my little girl -- and probably shouldn't call her my little girl, she is 24 but literally, she would be dead or dying now, if it won't for obamacare, because she was found with a very rare form of breast cancer and because -- >> yikes.
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>> yeah. and because she should be on our insurance while she is working on our masters, she was able to get really top drawer care and surgery, and she is now headed for a complete recovery. >> that's awesome. >> we thank god every day here, and we thank god for president obama every day. >> rick thank you. >> it is really worth having socialism in this country? >> yes. >> all of the screaming and drama about taxes -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> i wanted to point this out. tax rates under obama hit a 30-year low in 2009. in part because of the tax cuts he implemented in response to the country's economic downturn. the average rate paid by all households fell to 17.4, the 2009 rate significantly lower than the previous low.
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and well below the 30-year average of 21%. that's what all of the screaming is about. now he is proposing to raise tax rates on incomes in excess of $250,000, which would still keep taxes below where they were under the clinton administration, ladies and gentlemen. [ applause ] >> i thought we had a big surplus during the clinton administration. >> yeah. >> jim this is exciting news -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> there is a lesbian super pac. >> hello. >> l-pac. >> are you going to join? >> sure. it sounds dirty -- a group of high-powered lesbians -- i'm not high powered. i only come in low speed. [ laughter ] >> they hope to raise $1 million to support -- >> $1 million. >> to support candidates who
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champion equal rights for women and lgbt people. billie jean king, and chicago cubs coowner laura ricketts helped lawn the organization. >> i did not know she was a lesbian. >> i can confirm. [ applause ] >> the event i went to honoring chris matthews remember he was like, are you gay? i'm like yes. where have you been? >> is everybody gay! >> the baseball hat and flannel shirt didn't tip you off. >> i don't wear flannel shirts. i'm not that kind of lesbian. >> you are of the lipstick variety. >> yes. we have to spend love and thoughts and prayers to a good friend of the show chris, she was working and a scaffolding
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got hit in the head. >> and in october she hit her head again on the concrete. >> yes. they took her away in a neck brace. how bad ass is katie holmes. >> yes, the more i read about her, the more i love her. >> i think she dropped down on the compound on one of those invisible strings like this, and then used a disposable cell phone. >> and she had the help of her high-powered lawyer father. >> and you know who her confidante is right now? >> who? >> nicole kidman. >> no, way! oh, i would love to be a fly on the wall. what about mimi rogers? >> i believe she left. >> they have to do like tom cruise first wive's club or something -- >> no!
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no! no! no! hah, hah, hah. >> i bet she is thrilled with the news she is in contact with nicole kidman. she used a disposable cell phone, and hired three law firms in three different states. >> that's amazing. >> i'm guessing he was jumping on the couch yelling -- >> no! no! no! no! >> ow! >> he hit the ceiling. >> charlie sheen claims he can see dead people. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> he probably sees a lot of things. >> he said when my friend died i went to comfort his widow, we made toast and i saw him dance through the background. he said oh i was a trip. probably literally. another dear friend of my stephanie, her father died i
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was at her house, and he walked past me on the stairwell. >> oh, my god. >> i don't know if he pictured the person on the toast or whether he was making toast. >> oh, for god's sake any '90s are officially over now -- ♪ i get knocked down but i get up again ♪ >> they have announced their split after 30 years. a fairwell tour is planned -- will it just be the one song ♪ i get knocked down and then i get up again ♪ >> there's no point in going on we're going to leave now. >> yeah. >> we'll see you tomorrow for friday with john fugelsang. bye-bye. ♪
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